Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants supports your work in enhancing natural resources to deliver biodiversity net gain, carbon storage and nutrient neutrality.

Our ecosystems provide dozens of important services to our communities, such as flood risk reduction, water quality, air quality, recreational health benefits, food, pollination, carbon capture, renewable energy, and much more. In 2021, the total asset value of ecosystem services in the UK was just over £1.5 trillion. With this growing understanding of nature's integral value, markets are emerging to compensate landowners for providing these essential services through activities collectively referred to as Nature-based Solutions.

We provide end-to-end services to help you:

  • Understand the value of the various ecosystem services your land could deliver
  • Design and implement nature-based solutions projects to achieve maximum impact for nature and society
  • Access funding via natural capital markets, including Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon, and Nutrient Neutrality.
  • Monitor and report on outcomes

Working with us means you can play your part in delivering Kent Wildlife Trust's Wilder Kent 2030 strategy to restore healthy ecosystems across 30% of Kent's land by 2030. With our in-depth understanding of ecosystem function and habitat restoration and management, we are best placed to ensure projects are designed optimally within the landscape context and are sensitive to the needs of local wildlife.

Get in touch today to book a free consultation to discuss how our natural capital assessments could support your business!

Carbon Storage

The UK Government has set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and the Committee on Climate Change has determined that land use and development will be crucial in achieving this.

Ecosystems play a vital role in absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in soil, roots, and above-ground plant biomass. Our bespoke Carbon + Habitat Tool uses the most up-to-date science to accurately estimate the amount of carbon your land could store over 50 years through the creation of different habitats. This carbon can be used in your own businesses carbon accounting or sold on natural capital markets, such as Wilder Carbon. As we approach 2050, we expect demand for carbon storage to grow.

We will work with clients to design natural and cost-effective solutions to enhance appropriate habitat, to offset and store carbon emissions and support a carbon net zero approach that enhances and protects the future of our woodlands, wetlands, water bodies, species-rich grasslands and heathlands.

Nutrient Neutrality

Rainwater runoff from farms and developments can cause excessive levels of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus to end up in our rivers, streams, and lakes. Excessive nutrients in our water bodies massively impacts water quality, and can cause algal blooms which are deadly to fish and aquatic plants, and makes water toxic to humans, dogs, and livestock. Evidence shows that nutrient runoff is having disastrous impacts at some of our most important designated wildlife sites (source).

Achieving nutrient neutrality is one way to address the existing uncertainty surrounding the impact of new development on designated sites and ensure compliance with the Habitats Regulations.

Where development sites and land management risk additional damage through nitrate seepage into sensitive sites such as those designated for wildlife, we will advise and build in a nature-based design that captures nitrates at the source. This provides a landscape for people and nature and invests in offsite conservation work that leaves a real net gain at a scale significant enough to make a difference for wildlife.